Yeah! R.I.P. Lady Gaga! Hier das brandneue Video von «Die Antwoord«! Unbedingt ankucken! Grossartig!

Fatty Boom Boom is a bright and colourful African adventure, complete with wild animals, zef savages singing and dancing in the streets, and a special guest appearance by a sneaky little prawn star.

Die Antwoord - "Fatty Boom Boom" (Official Video)
Die Antwoord - "Fatty Boom Boom" (Official Video)

Yo, Hi-Tek, you think you could fuck with something like this?


Don’t you mean something like this?

Yeah, that’s perf. Yo-Landi, do that thing.

Eh Fatty Boom Boom
Hit me with the Ching-ching
Not fokken thinking, dolla eye twinkling
Just a bit of junkie,
Let’s not get too funky
Ohh ohhh ooh ohh

When I’m on the mic it’s like murder murder murder!
Kill kill kill!
Wat se Suid-Afrika?
Suig my fokken piel.
Hier kom ek weer
Like a lekker a smack in the face
Rappers are fokking pouring into passenger planes
What happened to all the cool rappers from back in the day?
Now all these rappers sound exactly the same
It’s like one big inbred fuck-fest
No, I do not want to stop, collaborate or listen

Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy hold on to your ching
I’m takin› over America, blowin› up everything
Physically fit, the Ninja very energetic
If you haven’t got it by now, then you’re never gonna get it
I whip my dick out and piss on all the hard-up ’n fokken rap
Got an offshore account for dollar bills in a stack
Fuck rap
I’m siding with China we not fokken related
Like a methfest, like the first time I ejaculated.

Eh Fatty Boom Boom
Hit me with the Ching-ching
Not fokken thinking, dolla eye twinkling
Just a bit of junkie,
Let’s not get too funky
Ohh ohhh ohh ohh
[ Lyrics from: ]
Eh Fatty Boom Boom
Hit me with the Ching-ching
Not fokken thinking, dolla eye twinkling
Just a bit of junkie,
Let’s not get too funky
Ohh ohhh–
Hi! My name is Yo-Landi fuckin› Visser
Fight fight fight!
Kick you in the teeth, hit you on the head with the mic
There’s a rumble in the jungle I’m (something) to beat em
Not looking for trouble but trouble’s looking for me
M’uppercuts’re fokken swollen with nothing just come for free
I used to think I’d always kill this to hustle something to eat
South Africa used to be a twangy’d, (y’know dat’s me)

Suddenly you’re interested ‹cos we’re blowing up overseas
Make you money money money
Yes yes yes
Zef side represent
You’re fuckin› with the best

I’m a upper
Twangies get buffed like a sucka
Bokka Bokka
Yippie-ki-yay motherfucker!

I’m a big deal (wiv de seen my niggas rollin› me)?
Now I’m having so much fun I can’t even go to sleep

Where you at?
Here I am!

Spitting fokken lyrics like bam bam bam!

Eh Fatty Boom Boom
Hit me with the Ching-ching
Not fokken thinking, dolla eye twinkling
Just a bit of junkie,
Let’s not get too funky
Ohh ohhh ohh ohh (x2)

We keep it lekker lekker lekker, zef zef zef
Spend all my fuckin› money til› there’s nothing left
I’m a fat cat, keep the change I don’t need the slip
With this fat sack of dagga I’m smoking a spliff
In my mat blacks are bottle-haters throwing a fit
Round the corner gooi’n fokken spiff Tokyo drift

My daddy told me there’s a lot of fish in the sea
There’s just a lotta motherfuckin› money bitches and weed

Ja, dagga dagga dagga, puff puff puff
Bring the beat back Hi-Tek!
Make it rough
We drop the type of beats that make you shut the fuck up and dance
We drop the type of beats so good you’re fuckin› stuck in a trance
In the overseas they like to say you’re stuck in a trance
We drop the type of beats that make you fuckin› cum in your pants

Pass it to left, like a zef, to the east, to the motherfucken left

Eh Fatty Boom Boom
Hit me with the Ching-ching
Not fokken thinking, dolla eye twinkling
Just a bit of junkie,
Let’s not get too funky
Ohh ohhh ohh ohh(x3)


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