Dieser Song stammt aus der 2. Folge der 7. Staffel «Sons of Anarchy» mit dem Titel «Toil und Till». Rapper Yelawolf «Till It’s Gone» am Ende der Episode, nachdem Henry Lin droht herauszufinden, wer seine Männer getötet und seine Heroin und Waffen genommen hat.

“I want my men, my guns and my heroin! Let me be very clear, Jackson. If that does not happen, the violence will not stop at the Stockton/Oakland borders. It will come to Charming. I will turn Mayberry into a goddamn killing field!” – Henry Lin

Der Song eröffnet, als Jax, Chibs und Bobby Gib O’Leary und Renny töten und Lins Heroin und Waffen auf ihnen platzieren. Jax kehrt danach nach Hause zurück, zu Wendy und den Jungs. Jury White findet Gib und Renny ermordet und verbindet die Punkte, während Jax neben seinem Sohn Abel liegt und ihn umarmt, als eine Träne über seine Wange kullert… Wenn die mehr oder weniger subtile Aussage der Musikmontage am Ende der Episode nicht lügt, dann ist einer der Jungen, die Jax Lin als Bauernopfer hinwirft, nicht lediglich jemand, den Jury durch eine Prostituierte gefunden hat, um die Sons zu unterstützen. Der tote Junge scheint Jurys Sohn zu sein…

DBD: Till It's Gone - Yelawolf
DBD: Till It's Gone - Yelawolf

I’m not the table you can come and lay your cup down on, now
I’m not the shoulder for a bag. The one that carried a heavy load
I’m not the road that you take when you looking for a short cut, uh
I ain’t the stepping stone to be stepping on
I ain’t nobodys crutch
I ain’t the money man, with your money, man
You ain’t looking at me
I’m not the cheap one, looking at me son
You ain’t looking at free
I ain’t the dish rag to come clean up all the shit that you dish out
Ain’t got no check for em’
If you checking in, mothafucka, check this out

Ain’t much I can do but I do what I can
But I’m not a fool there’s no need to pretend
And just because you got yourself in some shit
It doesn’t mean I have to come deal with it
You handle your own when you become a man
And become a man when you handle your own
Ain’t much I can do, but I do what I can
But what can I do if I do till it’s gone? Oh oh
Till it’s gone. Oh oh [x3]
What can I do if I do till it’s gone?

I’m not the the trash can. Not the last man at the finish line, now
I’m not the new kid on the block that you can just follow and push around
I’m not the fucking needle in the hay stack that you finally found
This ain’t no free rent. Come and pitch a tent
You ain’t tying me down
I’m not a bus ride you can hop inside and just roll away clean
Like the wheel on the wagon you wanna break
Cause I hold up the weight for the team
I’m not the gold watch and the new truck that your scheming to check out
Unless your looking to check out (powpowpow)
What a mess, now (come on)

Ain’t much I can do but I do what I can
But I’m not a fool there’s no need to pretend
And just because you got yourself in some shit
It doesn’t mean I have to come deal with it
You handle your own when you become a man
And become a man when you handle your own
Ain’t much I can do, but I do what I can
But what can I do if I do till it’s gone? Oh oh
Till it’s gone. Oh oh [x3]
What can I do if I do till it’s gone?

I jump to the sky for my people
I walk through the fire. I give love when it’s equal
Don’t tell me not to complain about my money and fame
When you come around me telling me I’ve changed
Damn, right I’ve fucking changed
When there’s fucking change in my pocket hit the bucket
It was a rocking all a sudden
I went from shopping without nothing
To going shopping for my cousins
Now that the cops know that I’m buzzing,
They wanna drop me in the oven
Pull me over just to say “I’m a fan”
Hip hop; gotta love it, but fuck it

Ain’t much I can do but I do what I can
But I’m not a fool there’s no need to pretend
And just because you got yourself in some shit
It doesn’t mean I have to come deal with it
You handle your own when you become a man
And become a man when you handle your own
Ain’t much I can do, but I do what I can
But what can I do if I do till it’s gone? Oh oh
Till it’s gone. Oh oh [x3]
What can I do if I do till it’s gone?

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«Dravens Tales from the Crypt» har vært fortryllende i over 15 år med en smakløs blanding av humor, seriøs journalistikk – for aktuelle hendelser og ubalansert reportasje i pressepolitikken – og zombier, garnert med mye kunst, underholdning og punkrock. Draven har gjort hobbyen sin til et populært merke som ikke kan klassifiseres.

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