Freunde, gerade bin ich über den Trailer zu «Bruce Lee, my Brother» gestolpert, einer Filmbiografie über den Drachen und seine Jugend in Hong Kong. Der Trailer sieht doch durchaus vielversprechend aus und auch der Plot lässt auf einen guten Film hoffen:

Bruce Lee, My Brother is a dramatic biopic of the eponymous martial arts legend as told by his younger brother, Robert Lee. It revolves around Bruce Lee’s life as a rebellious adolescent in Hong Kong until he sets off for the USA and conquers the world at the age of 18 with only US$100 in his pocket.

His father, a popular Cantonese opera singer who used to tour around the world with his family, Bruce Lee is born in San Francisco in 1940 during their US stop. The Lee family moves back to Hong Kong just months before the Japanese invasion in China and goes through the horrid 3 years and 8 months of Japanese occupation in Hong Kong.

Bruce is introduced to films soon after his birth by appearing in Golden Gate Girl in 1941 as an infant. He shoots to fame at the age of 9 by starring in The Kid with the stage name Lee Xiao-long (literally “Little Dragon”). As a teenager, he is not particularly good at school but is respected as a child actor who has worked in couple of movies.

As a young man, Bruce is something of a rebel who always finds himself engaging in street fights. His favorite pastime is hanging out in Chinese teahouses with his buddies, Kong and Unicorn, also a child actor who co-stars with him and will later appear in Fist of Fury and Way of the Dragon. His recalcitrant way will eventually get him into trouble with the police, especially after numerous ruffles against foreigners in the then British colony.

Invincible as he is as a street fighter, Bruce’s romantic escapades are not as smooth and successful. He is head over heels smitten with Pearl only to realize his mate Kong shares the same passion. Meanwhile, another girl Man-man has a crush on him and wants him for her dance partner in a Latin dance contest. Instead of accepting the offer, he enters the contest with his brother Robert and ends up snatching the top prize.

Bruce studies the Wing Chun martial arts and tastes his first “public” triumph by knocking out a Caucasian boxer at a tournament with his kung-fu skills. On the eve of his triumph, however, he learns that Kong has become a drug addict and decides to rumble the drug lord’s den together with Unicorn. This renders him the target of both the triads and corrupted cops who want him in jail. To save his life, Lee’s father has no choice but to send him off to San Francisco to pursue his studies.

And the rest is history…

寰亞電影《李小龍》預告片 11月25日 經典再現
寰亞電影《李小龍》預告片 11月25日 經典再現

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"Dravens Tales from the Crypt" betovert al meer dan 15 jaar met een smakeloze mix van humor, serieuze journalistiek - voor actualiteit en onevenwichtige berichtgeving in de perspolitiek - en zombies, gegarneerd met veel kunst, entertainment en punkrock. Draven heeft van zijn hobby een populair merk gemaakt dat niet in een hokje te plaatsen is.

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