No-go zones: conspiracy theory, fact or fiction?
No-go zones: conspiracy theory, fact or fiction?

No-go zones, as the term is most commonly used today, are areas within cities that you are not allowed to enter if you are not Muslim. The authorities have lost control in these areas. Police, emergency services and other non-residents are either not allowed entry or consider it unsafe and refuse entry. In Europe

No-go zones: conspiracy theory, fact or fiction?
Climate change since the Little Ice Age: Critical comments on the climate debate
Climate change since the Little Ice Age: Critical comments on the climate debate

Prof. Horst Malberg, former head of the Institute for Meteorology at the Free University of Berlin on the climate lie and how the media and old parties deliberately paint a picture that is far too bleak. This lecture by Prof. Malberg is a little older, but more relevant than ever! The 30 minutes of listening are worth it. Especially for those who love the fairy tale of

Climate change since the Little Ice Age: Critical comments on the climate debate
The fish gene effect of GMO foods
The fish gene effect of GMO foods

Many of the GMO products show the “fish gene effect” in salt water. Have fun trying…. Since I'm always asked what the easiest way to invest in Bitcoin is: With the Relai app it's done in just a few steps and without complicated registration. Nobody has access to your Bitcoin except you. With the referral code REL105548 your fees are reduced by 0,5%.

The fish gene effect of GMO foods
Covid is Scam – Covid is a scam
Covid is Scam – Covid is a scam

The best video you'll see today... Since I'm always asked what the easiest way to invest in Bitcoin is: With the Relai app it's done in just a few steps and without complicated registration. Nobody has access to your Bitcoin except you. With the referral code REL105548 your fees are reduced by 0,5%. Psst, follow us discreetly!

Covid is Scam – Covid is a scam
Zelensky's wife took fashion photos in the rubble of war
Zelensky's wife took fashion photos in the rubble of war

Billionaire Zelensky's wife used to take fashion photos in the rubble of the war right after the war began; she seems to be very close to the suffering of the people... Since I'm always asked what the easiest way to invest in Bitcoin is: The Relai app is the way to do it just a few steps and without complicated registration. Nobody has access to your Bitcoin,

Zelensky's wife took fashion photos in the rubble of war
The Mighty Von der Leyen Dynasty
The Mighty Von der Leyen Dynasty

The powerful Von der Leyen dynasty has castles throughout the German Palatinates that are at least 900 years old and have been in power for at least a millennium, to this day with the very powerful Ursula von der Leyen at the head of the European Union . These are the true pharaohs of ancient Egypt

The Mighty Von der Leyen Dynasty
DBD: Eternal Spirits – Electro Sound Parade
DBD: Eternal Spirits – Electro Sound Parade

Italian band Electro Sound Parade will release their debut album “Nessun Dorma” next month. As a foretaste, here is their first single, “Eternal Spirits”. Electro Sound Parade, a studio band project launched in 2020, debuts with their album “Nessun Dorma”. The album is a creation of Italian musicians Matteo Lehmann, Antonio Cirincione and Michelangelo Naldini. “Nessun Dorma” exists

DBD: Eternal Spirits – Electro Sound Parade
Men – Lauterbach Remix
Men – Lauterbach Remix

Now we know what the side effects of the Corona vaccination are... and the vet on the guitar convinced me! The vocal range is far greater than that of the Jammergockel from Bochum. Only the WHO knows when a man is a man... Since I'm always asked what the easiest way to invest in Bitcoin is

Men – Lauterbach Remix
Deadpool & Wolverine – Trailer
Deadpool & Wolverine – Trailer

The film, which should not necessarily be seen as “Deadpool 3”, will have a special meaning within the MCU. After phases 4 and 5 disappointed after the furious finale “Endgame” (2019), Marvel Studios is now trying to realign the MCU in Deadpool’s very own way using this event film. With a wink, of course –

Deadpool & Wolverine – Trailer
H1N1 bird flu vaccine: consideration of its side effects
H1N1 bird flu vaccine: consideration of its side effects

This article is intended to bring to your attention the observations that the H1N1 vaccines have a stillbirth rate that is hundreds of times higher than the average for other vaccines. H1N1 vaccines have a high incidence of reports of abnormal HCG and HCG deficiency. Several independent studies confirm these PRR safety signals. The WHO has a vaccine from 1972 to 1992 with the express aim

H1N1 bird flu vaccine: consideration of its side effects
Tragic: Cecilia after her fifth vaccination
Tragic: Cecilia after her fifth vaccination

Cecilia (53) suffered no damage from the first four vaccinations, but the fifth vaccination left her with severe neurological damage. Cecilia got headaches after receiving five injections, then contracted “Covid” and then she could no longer speak, swallow and walk… Cecilia doesn’t want this to happen to anyone else.

Tragic: Cecilia after her fifth vaccination
DBD: Life in Captivity – Ashes Reborn
DBD: Life in Captivity – Ashes Reborn

Ashes Reborn from Guimarães, Portugal, present their fourth studio work “In Captivity”. This album deals with deep themes such as the everyday human condition, political corruption and the hidden financial interests in warfare. The band stays true to their roots while exploring these complex and challenging topics with the aim of their listeners

DBD: Life in Captivity – Ashes Reborn
Are you satisfied with your work?!
Are you satisfied with your work?!

Which generation is leading us right now? Since I'm always asked what the easiest way to invest in Bitcoin is: With the Relai app it's done in just a few steps and without complicated registration. Nobody has access to your Bitcoin except you. With the referral code REL105548 your fees are reduced by 0,5%. Psst, follow us discreetly!  

Are you satisfied with your work?!
Obey potatoes!
Obey potatoes!

Habeck and the reality, i.e. he will never become Chancellor, for the Greens... (via Snicklink) Since I'm always asked what the easiest way to invest in Bitcoin is: With the Relai app it's done in just a few steps without complicated registration. Nobody has access to your Bitcoin except you. With the referral code REL105548 your fees

Obey potatoes!
Thousands of Brazilians are fighting for freedom of expression
Thousands of Brazilians are fighting for freedom of expression

Four hours before the freedom rally begins, Copacabana is already completely overcrowded, as the drone footage from SpaceLiberdade shows. Thousands of Brazilians are fighting for freedom of expression. They will not allow Brazil to become a far-left right-wing dictatorship! Since I'm always asked what the easiest way to invest in Bitcoin is: You can do it with the Relai app

Thousands of Brazilians are fighting for freedom of expression
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Cool yoyo tricks in slow motion

Cool yoyo tricks in slow motion

Paul Dang und JT Nickel haben Bombenskills in Sachen Yoyo, welche sie uns mit einer absoluten Lässigkeit präsentieren. Die beiden ...
Eagle picks drone in the air

Eagle picks drone in the air

In diesem kurzen, aber ereignisreichen Video von Melbourne Aerial Video erleben wir, wie ein Adler im Flug eine Drohne angreift! ...
Fire slap and other things in super slow motion

Fire slap and other things in super slow motion

Keine Ahnung wie man auf die Idee kommt, sich in Superzeitlupe eine brennende Hand ins Gesicht zu schlagen. Liegt wohl ...
An ass full of gummy bears in slow motion

An ass full of gummy bears in slow motion

I like big gummy bears and I can't lie. Sorry for not sorry. :) ...
Record needle finds the groove in slow motion

Record needle finds the groove in slow motion

In folgendem Clip findet eine Plattennadel den Weg in die Rille in Nahaufnahme und Slow Motion ...
Bursting water balloon in slow motion

Bursting water balloon in slow motion

So in Slow Motion ergibt ein platzender Wasserballon einen hübschen Wasserpilz ...
Bursting balloon underwater in slow motion

Bursting balloon underwater in slow motion

Hier eine Hochgeschwindigkeitsaufnahme eines platzenden Ballons unter Wasser ...
Flock of birds in super slow motion

Flock of birds in super slow motion

Schwärem zu zuschauen kann äusserst faszinierend sein. In nachfolgendem Video sehen wir tausende Vögel, die von Außen betrachtet ein fliessendes ...
Objects that fall on gelatine in slow motion

Objects that fall on gelatine in slow motion

Heute gibts für euch: Slow Motion Gelatin Porn! ;) ...
Scratching in slow motion

Scratching in slow motion

Wie scratchen in Slow-Motion aussieht zeigt uns der folgende Clip. Hier zu sehen ist DJ Woodys "Twiddlepecker Scratch" mit 400 ...
Flight in a wingsuit over Switzerland

Flight in a wingsuit over Switzerland

In folgendem Video gibts kinoreife Flugsequenzen in SlowMo aus der Egoperspektive: Brandon Mikesell gracefully navigates his wingsuit through the vibrant ...
Zack Snyder slow motion

Zack Snyder slow motion

Zack Snyder's Filme sind schon irgendwie packend, optisch ziemliche Reisser, inhaltlich aber bestenfalls schwierig, meistens aber auch einfach ziemlich dünn ...
Tattooing in slow motion

Tattooing in slow motion

Friends, the needle dances on your skin when you want a tattoo. But how does a tattoo machine work? In ...
Hit the face by snowballs in slow motion

Hit the face by snowballs in slow motion

In folgendem Clip sehen wir fette, feuchte, gut geschleuderte Schneebälle in Gesichter flatschen und dass in Superzeitlupe. Höhöhö.. :) ...
When northern lights enchant the night sky: Aurora Over the Old Barn

When northern lights enchant the night sky: Aurora Over the Old Barn

Alan Dyer hat mit seiner auf einem Stativ fixierten Spiegelreflexkamera nächtelang auf einem Acker in der Kälte ausgeharrt. Dafür wurde ...
Stoner Plaza Slow Mo

Stoner Plaza Slow Mo

Skateboard-Tricks in Slo-Mo kann ich mir stundenlang ansehen. Skaten hat doch einfach was Kung-Fu-mässiges... Skateboardtricks in SloMo - ein Fest ...
Everything about honey bees, filmed in slow motion

Everything about honey bees, filmed in slow motion

Beim Filmen der Bienen ist Michael Sutton dreimal gestochen worden, doch dass ist im Gegensatz zu den anderen Informationen in ...
Slow motion movie supercut

Slow motion movie supercut

Leigh Singer hat einen Slow Motion Movie Supercut zusammen geschnippelt. Dieser führt durch 76 Jahre Filmgeschichte und insgesamt 113 Filme ...
Time Shifts at Burning Man 2014

Time Shifts at Burning Man 2014

Michael Tosner hat seine Impressionen vom diesjährigen Burning Man in folgendem Video festgehalten und das mit "Slow Motion, Super Slow ...
Honey bees in slow motion

Honey bees in slow motion

Fleissige Bienen bei der Arbeit. Etwas nervös geschnitten, dafür aber mit Informationen über die Honigmacher angereichert ...
In slow motion through the wave

In slow motion through the wave

Benji Brand surft am sagenumwobenen Skeleton Bay in Namibia in Zeitlupe durch eine endlos scheinende Welle ...
Tattooing in slow motion

Tattooing in slow motion

The tattoo artist GueT from Paris had Fabrice film him at work in slow motion ...
Fireboards: Skateboarding on Fire

Fireboards: Skateboarding on Fire

Wie cool es tatsächlich aussehen kann, wenn man Skateboards in Benzin tränkt und anzündet, zeigt uns das folgende Video. Feuer ...
Chromatic: Skating in slow motion with chalk

Chromatic: Skating in slow motion with chalk

It looks really nice how the skateboards with the chalk dust on them whirl around in slow motion. Kind of reminds a bit of ...
Dogs shaking themselves dry in slow motion

Dogs shaking themselves dry in slow motion

I'm actually not a big dog lover (in the sense that I would get one), but I do find some of them cute...
Commuters in slow motion

Commuters in slow motion

Freunde, so sehen rennende Pendler aus, die versuchen, ihren Zug zu erwischen und das in Zeitlupe. Wehende Haare und hängende ...
Slowmotion Duck penis

Slowmotion Duck penis

Hier einmal Enten Zeitlupen Penis als GIF. Übrigens der Penis der argentinischen Ruderente kann bis zu 4 0cm lang sein, ...
Top 10 to destroy a snowman

Top 10 to destroy a snowman

Die Jungs vom Thrash Lab haben einen Ausflug nach Tahoe in den Schnee gemacht, um dort etwas zu spielen und ...
Fruit Ninja in Real Life

Fruit Ninja in Real Life

Ich bin mir sicher, dass nahezu jeder Smartphonebesitzer schon einmal Fruit Ninja gespielt hat. Ja genau, das Spiel bei dem ...
Cheetah filmed at 1200 frames per second

Cheetah filmed at 1200 frames per second

A few years ago one could only dream of such recordings. With the help of the Cincinnati Zoo, the team led by Greg ...

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