Abgeordnete des Europäischen Parlaments wird im Plenum zensiert
Abgeordnete des Europäischen Parlaments wird im Plenum zensiert

Die deutsche Europaabgeordnete Christine Anderson wurde zum Schweigen gebracht, nachdem sie die Korruption von Ursula von der Leyens Impfstoffverträgen mit Pfizer aufgedeckt hatte. Andersons Mikrofon blieb bis zu dem Moment an, als sie erklärte, dass ein «Parlament, das diese Korruption deckt, genauso korrupt ist – und beraubt…» (Mikrofon wird ausgeschaltet) Ein Mann rief, dass er

Abgeordnete des Europäischen Parlaments wird im Plenum zensiert
Traffic light balls
Traffic light balls

Söder as a top ass wasn't appreciated enough! And here I hear Annalena articulate three sentences in a row without errors for the first time. But at first I thought: "Why wasn't John Candy 'deepfaked'? Until the next thing I realized, oh, that's Ricarda Lang!

Traffic light balls
No-go zones: conspiracy theory, fact or fiction?
No-go zones: conspiracy theory, fact or fiction?

No-go zones, as the term is most commonly used today, are areas within cities that you are not allowed to enter if you are not Muslim. The authorities have lost control in these areas. Police, emergency services and other non-residents are either not allowed entry or consider it unsafe and refuse entry. In Europe

No-go zones: conspiracy theory, fact or fiction?
Climate change since the Little Ice Age: Critical comments on the climate debate
Climate change since the Little Ice Age: Critical comments on the climate debate

Prof. Horst Malberg, former head of the Institute for Meteorology at the Free University of Berlin on the climate lie and how the media and old parties deliberately paint a picture that is far too bleak. This lecture by Prof. Malberg is a little older, but more relevant than ever! The 30 minutes of listening are worth it. Especially for those who love the fairy tale of

Climate change since the Little Ice Age: Critical comments on the climate debate
The fish gene effect of GMO foods
The fish gene effect of GMO foods

Many of the GMO products show the “fish gene effect” in salt water. Have fun trying….

The fish gene effect of GMO foods
Covid is Scam – Covid is a scam
Covid is Scam – Covid is a scam

The best video you will see today…

Covid is Scam – Covid is a scam
Zelensky's wife took fashion photos in the rubble of war
Zelensky's wife took fashion photos in the rubble of war

The wife of billionaire Zelenskyj used to take fashion photos in the rubble of war right after the start of the war, but the suffering of the people seems to be very close to her...

Zelensky's wife took fashion photos in the rubble of war
The Mighty Von der Leyen Dynasty
The Mighty Von der Leyen Dynasty

The powerful Von der Leyen dynasty has castles throughout the German Palatinates that are at least 900 years old and have been in power for at least a millennium, to this day with the very powerful Ursula von der Leyen at the head of the European Union . These are the true pharaohs of ancient Egypt

The Mighty Von der Leyen Dynasty
DBD: Eternal Spirits – Electro Sound Parade
DBD: Eternal Spirits – Electro Sound Parade

Italian band Electro Sound Parade will release their debut album “Nessun Dorma” next month. As a foretaste, here is their first single, “Eternal Spirits”. Electro Sound Parade, a studio band project launched in 2020, debuts with their album “Nessun Dorma”. The album is a creation of Italian musicians Matteo Lehmann, Antonio Cirincione and Michelangelo Naldini. “Nessun Dorma” exists

DBD: Eternal Spirits – Electro Sound Parade
Men – Lauterbach Remix
Men – Lauterbach Remix

Now we know what the side effects of the Corona vaccination are... and the vet on the guitar convinced me! The vocal range is far greater than that of the Jammergockel from Bochum. Only the WHO knows when a man is a man...

Men – Lauterbach Remix
Deadpool & Wolverine – Trailer
Deadpool & Wolverine – Trailer

The film, which should not necessarily be seen as “Deadpool 3”, will have a special meaning within the MCU. After phases 4 and 5 disappointed after the furious finale “Endgame” (2019), Marvel Studios is now trying to realign the MCU in Deadpool’s very own way using this event film. With a wink, of course –

Deadpool & Wolverine – Trailer
H1N1 bird flu vaccine: consideration of its side effects
H1N1 bird flu vaccine: consideration of its side effects

This article is intended to bring to your attention the observations that the H1N1 vaccines have a stillbirth rate that is hundreds of times higher than the average for other vaccines. H1N1 vaccines have a high incidence of reports of abnormal HCG and HCG deficiency. Several independent studies confirm these PRR safety signals. The WHO has a vaccine from 1972 to 1992 with the express aim

H1N1 bird flu vaccine: consideration of its side effects
Tragic: Cecilia after her fifth vaccination
Tragic: Cecilia after her fifth vaccination

Cecilia (53) suffered no damage from the first four vaccinations, but the fifth vaccination left her with severe neurological damage. Cecilia got headaches after receiving five injections, then contracted “Covid” and then she could no longer speak, swallow and walk… Cecilia doesn’t want this to happen to anyone else.

Tragic: Cecilia after her fifth vaccination
DBD: Life in Captivity – Ashes Reborn
DBD: Life in Captivity – Ashes Reborn

Ashes Reborn from Guimarães, Portugal, present their fourth studio work “In Captivity”. This album deals with deep themes such as the everyday human condition, political corruption and the hidden financial interests in warfare. The band stays true to their roots while exploring these complex and challenging topics with the aim of their listeners

DBD: Life in Captivity – Ashes Reborn
Are you satisfied with your work?!
Are you satisfied with your work?!

Which generation is leading us right now?

Are you satisfied with your work?!
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The Last Man

The Last Man

This short film is once again about the last person in the world, this story has been told many times before...
Anti-Earthquake Bed: survival bed designed to survive collapsing houses

Anti-Earthquake Bed: survival bed designed to survive collapsing houses

It's a trap! The 66-year-old Chinese man Wang Wenxi has designed a bed that will allow you to survive even if...
Here Alone - Trailer

Here Alone - Trailer

Es gibt jede Menge post-apokalyptischen Filme mit Zombies und andere Monster und einer Gruppe mutiger Überlebender, die für die Menschheit ...
Brother convinces his anesthetized sister that a zombie apocalypse is taking place

Brother convinces his anesthetized sister that a zombie apocalypse is taking place

Millicent had to have her wisdom teeth pulled under anesthesia. After this procedure, she is still not completely in her senses and ...
How to build a bunker under the garden yourself

How to build a bunker under the garden yourself

Colin Furze, der Daniel Düsentrieb in Menschengestalt, hat sich einen Bunker in seinen Garten gebaut. Man weiss ja nie, wozu ...
Apocalypse when?

Apocalypse when?

Die Welt wird wegen Ebola nicht untergehen, auch der IS wird die Menschheit aller Voraussicht nach nicht komplett ausradieren und ...
February 14, 2016: Hurray! Today the world is ending!

February 14, 2016: Hurray! Today the world is ending!

And we will all inherit steeeee! At least according to Ghostbusters II. So you should leave Valentine's Day better and ...
Parkour to Chernobyl

Parkour to Chernobyl

In diesen Sommer waren die Parkour-Läufer von Hit the Road in der Ukraine unterwegs. Dort haben sie sich von lokalen ...
Top 10 by Norman Reedus how to survive the zombie apocalypse

Top 10 by Norman Reedus how to survive the zombie apocalypse

Have you ever wondered what essential things Norman Reedus needs to survive a zombie apocalypse? South Park, a fart pillow...
The Fallout: aerial photography of a ghost town, 29 years after Chernobyl

The Fallout: aerial photography of a ghost town, 29 years after Chernobyl

AeroCine shows Pripyat in Ukraine in the following impressive short video. A city that immediately after the Chernobyl accident ...
Mad Max: Fury Road - Trailer is INSANE!

Mad Max: Fury Road - Trailer is INSANE!

Friends, the film will be THE cinema event of the year! Insanely action-packed and visually stunning! If only the madness in terms of story ...
The Strain Season 2 - Teaser Trailer

The Strain Season 2 - Teaser Trailer

Neue Staffel von "The Strain" soll im Sommer 2015 kommen. Ich bin ja Apokalypsenjunkie und krieg kaum genug von dem ...
The Walking Dead: The Fall of Atlanta from Seasons 1 through 5

The Walking Dead: The Fall of Atlanta from Seasons 1 through 5

Zum heutigen Midseason Finale von "The Walking Dead" gibts einen kleinen Vergleich wie Atlanta noch in der Staffel 1 ausgesehen ...
Ebola zombies? Patient risen from the dead

Ebola zombies? Patient risen from the dead

Beamte aus Liberia haben das erste bestätigte Bild eines Ebola-Opfers freigegeben, das angeblich von den Toten auferstanden ist. Zwei Frauen, ...
Megalo Meloman

Megalo Meloman

Stéphane Berla serviert für Sandy Lavallart ein hübsches kurzes Stück Videotechnik, das sich nach dem Besuch zwei weiterer Planeten langsam ...
Today is Doomsday in the USA

Today is Doomsday in the USA

Laut dem US-amerikanischen Radio-Prediger Harold Egbert Camping (1921 – 2013) sollte am 21. Oktober 2011 die Welt untergehen. Konkret prognostiziert ...
Zombie Apocalypse Before & After

Zombie Apocalypse Before & After

Heute: Das Picknick... :zombie_head2: :zombie_head1: :zombie_1: ...
Land of Giants

Land of Giants

The short film "Land of Giants" is a creative mix of genres from end-time science fiction, western and martial arts film. With the storm that our world ...


Der Kurzfilm "Keloid" ist wunderschön und bedrückend zugleich. Wir sehen hier Soldaten in abgefahrenen Rüstungen, kolossale Roboter, aber auch kleine ...
Underground Bunker Home

Underground Bunker Home

Um 1970 rum hatte ein anonymer Hausbesitzer scheinbar keine Lust bei einem möglichen Atomangriff sein restliches Leben in einem tristen ...
Zombucks: The zombie apocalypse has its own currency

Zombucks: The zombie apocalypse has its own currency

Womit bezahlt man eigentlich, wenn die Zombie-Apokalypse ausgebrochen ist? Provident Metals haben einen besseren Vorschlag: Zombucks. 1 Unze Silber in ...
You've survived so many fucking Apocalypses

You've survived so many fucking Apocalypses

Der Weltuntergang ist schon viele Male vorausgesagt geworden und auch am 21.12.2012 nicht eingetroffen. Mittlerweile habe ich sage und schreibe ...
Apocalypse 2012: The Mystery of the Mayan Calendar

Apocalypse 2012: The Mystery of the Mayan Calendar

ZDF-History untersucht, woher die angebliche Prophezeiung stammt, warum die präkolumbianischen Maya so verblüffend präzise Kenntnisse über kosmische Abläufe hatten, und ...
The 7 signs of the apocalypse

The 7 signs of the apocalypse

Zu den sieben Zeichen der Apokalypse gehören tödliche Seuchen, Hungersnöte und Erdbeben. Diese "Doku" hinterfragt, ob diese schrecklichen Ereignisse wirklich ...
After Earth trailer

After Earth trailer

Freunde, hier der erste Trailer zu M. Night Shyamalans Apokalypsenfilm "After Earth" mit Vater und Sohn Smith, Drehbuch kommt von ...
21.12.12/XNUMX/XNUMX: The test for all humanity

21.12.12/XNUMX/XNUMX: The test for all humanity

Der heutige Tag ist gemäss diversen Aussagen der Beginn der Prüfung der ganzen Menschheit, es ist das Ende der Zyklen ...
The most important world falls

The most important world falls

Freunde, wie ihr wisst, ist der Weltuntergang die Vernichtung der Welt, wie wir sie kennen. Dies passiert häufiger, als man ...
What to do in the event of the end of the world

What to do in the event of the end of the world

Zum heutigen Tag ein paar Tipps zum Verhalten im Falle eines Weltuntergangs: Bewahre Ruhe. Halte ein Handtuch griffbereit! Bereue. Dies ...

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