Touch at your own risk

Touch at your own risk

Today's aquariums are completely modern, with great touch screens for example ...
Andante. When figures stroll over the playing piano keyboard

Andante. When figures stroll over the playing piano keyboard

Nice idea that Xiao Xiao and Hiroshi Ishi from Andante had. Animated characters visualize the music on the piano: ...
Remote controlled beer crate

Remote controlled beer crate

Niklas Roy put together a remote-controlled beer crate from a few cheap components. Practical part for the upcoming barbecue and backyard parties ...
DBD: Room Of Nightmares - Black Label Society

DBD: Room Of Nightmares - Black Label Society

As a first taste of the follow-up to Black Label Society's "Catacombs of the Black Vacation", which will be released on January 19th...
As The River Flows

As The River Flows

The "The River Otter Ecology Project" is committed to protecting the otters, which is why they don't have time for serious ...
Enough now, friends!

Enough now, friends!

The time has come to leave the place - but FAST! (via Anonymous ART of Revolution) ...
Winchester: The House That Ghosts Built - Trailer

Winchester: The House That Ghosts Built - Trailer

Freunde, wagt ihr euch in eines der am häufigsten heimgesuchten Anwesen der Welt? Genau dorthin entführen uns CBS Films und ...
Who you gonna hug? Casbusters

Who you gonna hug? Casbusters

Kempo24 has created a funny shirt that makes the Ghostbusters franchise a little friendlier ...
Unknown call

Unknown call

Oh my God! An unknown call! Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! (via Adam Ellis Comics on Tumblr) ...
DBD: The Mud - Code Orange

DBD: The Mud - Code Orange

Zum Track "The Mud" haben Code Orange ein animiertes Video veröffentlicht, bei dem Dmitry Zakharov Regie führte. Den Song findet ...
When a Town Runs Dry

When a Town Runs Dry

This documentary shows us life during the drought in the small town of Stratford through impressive pictures with beautiful saturation and ...
The Art of Recovery: With the GoPro through Nepal

The Art of Recovery: With the GoPro through Nepal

Thanks to his GoPro, Jeremy Collins takes us on a journey through what was badly affected by an earthquake last year ...
Find the right parking ticket

Find the right parking ticket

Funktioniert wohl nicht, offensichtlich hatte die Polizei keine Lust, sich durch all die Parkscheine zu lesen... ;) (via Reddit) ...
Hot Wheel Racing from the First Person View (POV)

Hot Wheel Racing from the First Person View (POV)

Schöner Point of View Hot Wheels Beach Track. 5 Mad Movie Makers haben am San Celemente Beach in Kalifornien einen ...
DBD: This Is Why We Ride - Body Count

DBD: This Is Why We Ride - Body Count

Body Count have released a video for the single "This Is Why We Ride". The track comes from the current album "Bloodlust", ...
Lego pizza

Lego pizza

Japanese man Tary builds food out of Lego and broccoli, shrimp, sushi and bananas are all nice, but the pizza...
Barcelona - A Hyperlapse Movie

Barcelona - A Hyperlapse Film

With a number of successful Hyperlapse tracking shots, Vimeo user The King Of Pixels takes us on a short vacation in the beautiful ...
Human form

Human form

Intensiver Kurzfilm über die wahnhafte Suche nach dem perfekten Gesicht durch plastische Chirurgie und dem Verlust der Identität ...


Wenn ein Video bereits zu An­fang eine War­nung aus­spricht, dass Men­schen, die unter fo­to­sen­si­ti­ver Epi­lep­sie lei­den, lie­ber einen Bogen um ...
DBD: Unbreakable - Red Raven

DBD: Unbreakable - Red Raven

Heute gibts für euch den Videoclip zum Track "Unbreakable". Der Song stammt vom aktuellen Album "Chapter Two: DigitHell", das seit ...
Note to over-motivated parents

Note to over-motivated parents

Leider muss man doch einigen immer wieder vor Augen halten, dass sie das nicht vergessen... (via Webfail) ...
Failed World Myth (Documentary 2017)

Failed World Myth (Documentary 2017)

At that time I said: "We can be what we want to be." - Today we are a sky full of stars! Almost a ...
The Bang Your Head!

The Bang Your Head!

Die Vögel in folgendem Video sind sehr musikalisch und Headbangen schon auch gerne mal ...
Phantom Thread Trailer

Phantom Thread - Trailer

Hier der Trailer zu Paul Thomas Andersons neuem Film "Phantom Thread". Hauptdarsteller Daniel Day-Lewis lässt bereits im Trailer erahnen, wie ...
When guitars suddenly sound like violins

When guitars suddenly sound like violins

Samurai Guitarist hat den Beatles-Song "Here Comes The Sun" extrem langsam eingespielt und in zwanzigfacher Geschwindigkeit abgespielt. Und plötzlich klingen ...
Master Petz: May I help?

Master Petz: May I help?

Was ist den los Herrschaften? Da öffnet man freundlich die Tür - und schon bricht Panik aus ...
DBD: Civilized To Death - Dr. LivingDead!

DBD: Civilized To Death - Dr. Living Dead!

These four skulls represent violent thrash! The track "Civilized To Death" by Swedes "Dr. Living Dead!" comes from the...

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