The X-Files: Season 11 Trailer

The X-Files: Season 11 Trailer

Zwei Jahre nachdem Fox die 10. Staffel zur Erfolgsserie "Akte X" in Auftrag gab, gibt es frühestens Anfang 2018 neue ...
The Jasonator

The Jasonator

It's a machine. The Jasonator, Crystal Lake Systems Model 101. It's not a robot. A cyborg. Cybernetic organism. It will ...
1922 - Trailer

1922 – Trailer

Netflix schickt am 20. Oktober die Verfilmung zu Stephen King's 1922 an den Start. In der Vorlage verwickelt Wilfred James ...
Two impatient dogs in the car

Two impatient dogs in the car

Was gelangweilte Hunde nicht alles machen, damit das ewige Warten sein Ende hat ...
DBD: Sharp Suits - Violent Life Violent Death

DBD: Sharp Suits - Violent Life Violent Death

Hier das Video zum Track "Sharp Suits" aus der Debüt EP "V-EP" der Hardcore-Band "Violent Life Violent Death" aus Charlotte, ...
Little girl and her dad catch a big alligator

Little girl and her dad catch a big alligator

Lance Burgos war mit seiner Tochter am Lake Fausse Point State Park in Louisiana fischen. Als die beiden dachten, sie ...
Eminem has a message for Donald Trump

Eminem has a message for Donald Trump

There was a freestyle cypher for the first time at the BET Hip Hop Awards yesterday. Eminem used his 4 1/2 minutes...
Everything under power today

Everything under power today

Current strength and maximum heating play an important role. Let's just see the circuit board as a matrix... (via Philipp Meier) ...

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