A Tribute to Punching in Movies

A Tribute to Punching in Movies

Violence in the cinema has existed for almost as long as the cinema itself and for all the millions of violent acts that ...
Chivalry is Dead

Chivalry is Dead

Sechs Studenten der NCCA Bournemouth University haben binnen 12 Wochen im Rahmen des Master-Animations-Kurses den Kurzfilm "Chivalry is Dead" produziert ...
Atomic Blonde Trailer

Atomic Blonde - Trailer

"Atomic Blonde" basiert auf der Graphic Novel "The Coldest City", die der Brite Antony Johnston 2013 als gezeichneten, im Kalten ...
TV tip of the day: 2nd season of “Z-Nation” today on RTL II

TV tip of the day: Season 2 "Z-Nation" today on RTL II

Today the second season of the bloody TV series “Z Nation” starts as a free TV premiere on German television. At 2:00.50 a.m. there is...
Fishing and drugs

Fishing and drugs

This appears to be an anti-drug commercial. Unfortunately the original couldn't be found, but this re-edit also puts a lot of strain on my diaphragm...
Vegapin: Homemade virtual pinball machine

Vegapin: Homemade virtual pinball machine

Der Schweizer Moderator und Rapper Sascha "Lügner" Rossier hat mit "Vegapin" seine eigene virtuelle Pinballmaschine gebaut und da steckt einiges ...
The brutal reality when Super Mario jumps on Koopa Kids

The brutal reality when Super Mario jumps on Koopa Kids

The Koopa Kids are a group of seven fictional characters in the Super Mario franchise. What happens if Mario jumps on them...
DBD: Ave Satanas - Venom Inc

DBD: Avé Satanas - Venom Inc

Am 11. August veröffentlichten die Briten "Venom Inc" ihr neues Album "Avé". Daraus gibt es heute für euch den Lyric-Clip ...
Adam Sandler Loves Food - A Tribute to Product Placement

Adam Sandler Loves Food - A Tribute to Product Placement

Adam Sandler hat wenige grossartige und viele verdammt bescheuerte Filme gemacht. Offensichtlich hat er in jedem Film ein kulinarisches Product ...
Encounter with a puma

Encounter with a puma

Brian McKinney und Sam Vonderheide sind in Kalifornien durchs Mount Whitney gewandert, als sie auf dem Weg zu ihrem Campingplatz ...
Teddy Bears Are For Lovers

Teddy Bears Are For Lovers

In folgendem Kurzfilm attackiert eine Teddybär-Armee den Ex-Freund. Collin schenkt nämlich seinen Freundinnen immer Teddybären, macht dann aber auch ziemlich ...
Disjointed - Trailer for the Netflix stoner series

Disjointed - Trailer for the Netflix stoner series

New Netflix comedy series from "Two And A Half Men", "Mike & Molly", "Mom", "Dharma & Greg" and "The Big Bang Theory" creators...
The Walking Dead: This emotional scene was not shown in season 7

The Walking Dead: This emotional scene was not shown in season 7

A video has appeared on YouTube that shows more moments of a dream sequence that obviously doesn't make it into season 7...
Guinness World Record: Jump over three cars with a pogo stick

Guinness World Record: Jump over three cars with a pogo stick

Auf dem Dach eines Parkhauses in Croydon, London hat Nissan drei Autos hingestellt und den XPOGO-Darsteller Dalton Smith auffordert, den ...

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